Legal notice


These General Conditions regulate the use of -including mere access to- the web pages that make up the Website. Any User who accesses the Website agrees to be bound by the standing General Conditions at any time when accessing the Website.

The contents, products and services that Arakartola LTD makes available to the User on the Website may also be regulated by special conditions that, in case of conflict, will prevail over the General Conditions (the “Special Conditions“). The User also submits, each time he requests or uses the corresponding content or service, to its corresponding applicable Special Conditions.

Consequently, the User must carefully read the General Conditions each time they intend to use the Website as well as, where appropriate, the corresponding Special Conditions, each time they intend to use the content or service in question.

In any case, Arkartola, LTD reserves the right to modify, at any time, the presentation and configuration of the Website, as well as these General Conditions or the corresponding Special Conditions.


The mere use of the Website does not constitute a source of advice or a means of establishing a commercial or any other type of relationship between the client and the company.


Unless otherwise provided in the Special Conditions, the use of the Website will be free of charge, without prejudice to the connection cost for the User to access the corresponding telecommunications network.

The User is aware and voluntarily and expressly accepts that the use of the Website is carried out in any case under his sole and exclusive responsibility.

In using the Website, the User undertakes not to carry out any conduct that could damage the image, interests and rights of Arkartola, LTD or third parties or that could damage, disable or overload the Website, or that would prevent, in any way, the normal use of the Website.

Arkartola, LTD adopts reasonably adequate security measures to detect the existence of viruses. Nevertheless, the User must be aware that the existing security measures for computer systems on the Internet are not entirely trustworthy and that, therefore, Arkartola LTD cannot guarantee the non-existence of viruses or any other elements that may cause alterations to User’s computer systems (hardware and software) or to their electronic documents and files contained in the said systems.


The contents of the Website are made available to the User by Arkartola, LTD with information from both its own and third party sources.

Arkartola LTD ensures that the contents are of the highest possible quality and are reasonably up-to-date, but does not guarantee the usefulness, accuracy, completeness, relevance and/or timeliness of the contents.

The inclusion of content on the Website does not, in any way, constitute the provision of an advisory service. The User acknowledges that, as the application of the Law to specific cases is not automatic, but varies depending on a wide range of circumstances, the information contained in the contents is not sufficient to make decisions of any nature whatsoever.

Intellectual and industrial property rights

By means of these General Conditions, no intellectual or industrial property right of this Website or of any of the elements integrating it are ceded, the User being totally prohibited from reproducing, transforming distributing, publicly communication, making it available, extracting, resending or using in any way or nature and by any means or procedure the intellectual and industrial property rights that may derive from this website.

The User may visualise and obtain a temporary private copies of the contents for exclusive and private use in their computer systems (software and hardware), provided that the intended purpose is not to develop any commercial or professional activity. User must abstain from obtaining or attempting to obtain the Contents by means or procedures other than those which have been made available to them or indicated for that purpose, or which are normally used on the Internet (provided that the latter do not imply a risk of damage or disablement for the Site). The User must respect at all times all intellectual and industrial property rights on the Website, owned by Arkartola, LTD or by third parties.

Hyperlinks and Linked Sites

a) Hyperlinks

The User and, in general, any natural or legal person who intends to establish a hyperlink or technical linking device (such as links or buttons) from their website to the Website (the “Hyperlink“) must obtain prior written authorization from Arkartola, LTD

The insertion of the Hyperlink shall in no event imply the existence of any relationship between Arkartola LTD and the owner of the site or the web page where the Hyperlink is inserted, or the acceptance or approval by Arkartola LTD of its contents or services.

In any event, Arkartola LTD reserves the right to prohibit or cancel any hyperlink to the Website at any time, especially in circumstances where the activity or contents of the website where the hyperlink has been inserted are unlawful.

b) Linked Sites

The Arkartola LTD Site makes available to the User, solely for the purposes of searching and accessing information, contents and services available on the Internet, hyperlinks or technical link devices (such as links or buttons), which allow the User to access Internet sites or portals which belong to or are managed by third parties (the “Linked Sites”).

Arkartola LTD does not offer or commercialise on its own behalf or through third parties the information, contents and services available in the Linked Sites, nor does it approve of, supervise or control in any way whatsoever the contents and services or any material of any nature therein available. Thus, the User shall be exclusively responsible for the navigation between the said sites.


These General Conditions are governed by the Spanish law and, unless otherwise established in the applicable regulations (including consumer and user regulations), any dispute will be submitted by the parties by the judges and courts of Donostia – San Sebastián.


Should any User have any questions about these General Conditions or any comments on the Website, please contact

Privacy Policy

Collected data:

Mere navigation. By the mere fact of visiting and browsing this website (the “Website”) of Arkartola, LTD, no data is automatically recorded that allow the nominative identification of the users (“Users”). However, there is certain information that is collected and recorded in the systems of Arkartola, LTD (e.g., type of Internet browser, the operating system, IP address from which the pages of the Website are accessed) in order to improve the User’s navigation and the management of the Website itself. Likewise, the Website may use cookies and similar technologies whose use is subject to the consent of Users in accordance with the Cookie Policy.

Access to content or services in which data is requested. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to access certain information or for the use of certain content or services on the Website, Arkartola, LTD may require certain personal data from the User, which may include, fundamentally, name, surname, email, company, position and professional contact details. In these cases, Arkartola, LTD will provide the User with the necessary information before proceeding with the processing of their data.

Through this Privacy Policy, Arkartola, LTD informs users of the uses to which the personal data collected on this website is subjected, in order for them to decide, freely and voluntarily, if they wish to provide the requested information. The data will be collected exclusively for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and will not be further processed by Arkartola, LTD in a manner incompatible with said purposes.

The user has the obligation to provide accurate personal data that responds truthfully to their current situation and to communicate any changes in them. If you provide data from third parties, you must have their consent.

This Privacy Policy may change over time or be updated, so we encourage you to review this page to make sure you agree to such changes.

Who is responsible for processing your data?

The data controller of your personal data is Arkaitz González Artola, with ID 72.492.617-K and address Oriamendia Auzoa, no 5, 3B – 20120 Hernani (Gipuzkoa), Spain.

For what purpose do we process your personal data?

At Arkartola, LTD we process the information provided by interested parties for the following purposes:

Manage the creation of your user account on our website, which will allow you to purchase products on it.

Attend to inquiries or requests for information that are made through the website, guaranteeing the correct attention of the requests made.

Manage the subscription to our newsletter as well as offers and promotions that may be of interest to you.

Manage the commercial relationship with Arkartola, LTD Your personal data will be processed for the development, control and maintenance of the contractual relationship and management of the purchases you make on this website.

What is the legal basis for the processing of your data?

The legal basis that allows us to process your personal data depends on the purpose for which we process it:

Manage the creation of your user account: the processing of your data is necessary for the execution of the terms that regulate the use of this website. The reason that legitimizes us to process your data is the given consent

User support: we have a legitimate interest in responding to your requests or inquiries and resolving any incidents that may arise. What legitimizes us to process your data is compliance with legal obligations by Arkartola LTD.

Manage newsletter subscription: we want to give you the option to stay up to date with our publications and offer you content that is of interest to you. The basis that legitimizes us to process your data is the given consent.

Manage the commercial relationship: the processing of your data is necessary for the execution of the sales contract that links us to you. What legitimizes us to process your data is compliance with legal obligations by Arkartola LTD.

For how long do we store your data?

The personal data provided will be kept for the necessary time to fulfil the purpose for which they are collected and to determine the possible responsibilities that may arise from that purpose. Once the possible actions are prescribed, Arkartola LTD will proceed to delete the personal data.

Arkartola LTD will cancel or rectify the data when it is inaccurate, incomplete or no longer necessary or relevant for their purpose.

Will we share your data with third parties?

Generally, Arkartola LTD will not communicate personal data to third parties, except under legal obligation.

It is necessary for Arkartola LTD to provide your personal data to different providers that support us in our services: financial institutions, technology service providers, suppliers and collaborators of logistics, transport and delivery services, service providers related to customer service, marketing and advertising.

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

Arkartola LTD undertakes to respect the confidentiality of your personal data and to guarantee the exercise of your rights. You can exercise them at any time and at no cost by writing an email to indicating the right you want to exercise.

Specifically, regardless of the purpose or legal basis under which we process your data, you have the right to:

  • Request accessto the data we hold about you.
  • Request the correctionof inaccurate data.
  • Request the deletionof your data when, among other reasons, they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.
  • Request a limitationon the processing of their personal data, in which case we will only retain it to bring or defend against claims.
  • Request oppositionto the processing of your data. Arkartola LTD shall cease to process the data, except in the case of legitimate or overriding grounds or for the exercise or defence of possible claims.
  • Request portability, that is, that the personal data you have provided be transmitted directly to another controller in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, when technically possible.
  • Withdraw consentat any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal.

You can obtain additional information about your rights before the Spanish Agency for Data Protection at

When the owner of the rights has not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of these, he can claim the assistance of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection so that the exercise of his rights is effective, by submitting a Claim for Protection of Rights (

Updates to our privacy policy

We may update our Privacy Policy. The latest version will always be available on our website.

Cookies Policy

We use our own and third-party cookies to obtain statistical data on our users’ browsing habits and improve our services. If you continue using our website, we will assume that you consent to their use. You can change your settings or get more information here.